I am Hacheon Park, a fixed gear rider from South Korea. I’ve been b-boying for 14 years and started riding to treat my knee in 2007. Cycling gives me the same passion I felt when I started to B-boy. I love the view that I can only see when I ride. I mostly ride fixed gear, but I also ride road bikes as well. My cycling career is based in Asia. I went to the Asian fixed gear championship in China in 2011, participated in Fixed Fest in Jakarta in 2012, and in 2013 I was invited to King of Velo City as a guest rider in Singapore. I sometimes write articles about what I feel during a race. Every time I travel with my bike, I feel like I’m getting younger. It is always fun to make new friends and meet other riders. I just like that energy. I will do everything I can do with my bike.